
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I communicate via Reunion.linkedin.facebook.blogger.center'd.com

I probably can not complicate things anymore than I have now. I have wanted to write since I was 6 years old when I won my first writing contest. I was awarded because of my creativity on writing about preserved tongues... Yuck... Then, about six years ago my friend, Mary turned me on to blogging. That was fantastic until I started traveling for work a lot and having a baby. I left all of that behind and even stopped checking my personal email account until just a few weeks ago. At some point for professional reasons I joined Linked In, then Reunion.com, now Center'd which is very cool and even face book because everyone except my husband has a face book page. How am I to keep up with my friends and family that I see week to week if I can not communicate via face book? If I never wanted to be found by any old friends or pen pals, I just made it really, really hard... I am so easily found and transparent at this point.

Maybe this time I will do better.... Maybe.

Right now my problem is that I can not sleep. I have a lot on my mind when it comes to work, my son's birthday party this weekend and getting all of my personal and professional projects organized and up to date.

I was laying in bed tonight thinking about all of the communication tools that I have... I have a Blackberry I affectionately named "Crackberry" so I have work email with me all the time. I have a personal cell phone that is web enable so I can log on personal email or IM whenever I want. I have three email accounts, that new face book page, Linked In, Center'd account for all of my organizing needs, this blog site as well as a purely writing blog site and who knows what else I have forgotten... You know what would be really cool? If I could log on to a dashboard like I do with my financial information and have a list of all the email, blog and communication accounts that I have and be able to access them with one click in one place... Maybe that nifty little application is already out there and I just have not found it... I am going to look for it though. I would even be willing to take the time to set it up- much better than I have my face book page which I am going to work on right now... Because I still can not sleep.