
Monday, March 29, 2004

What is going on now?

As if a newly married woman does not have enough to do.... I just find more. But this is something that I feel strongly about. My mom asked me to walk with her in the Susan Komen Atlanta Race for the Cure. I am always up for any time that I can spend with my mom, but in doing this I get to spend time with her and help others. As so many people in this world, breast cancer has touched my life as well. I have been very fortunate, though. I have lost only one loved one to breast cancer and for that one that I lost, I have three who have survived it. That is a huge blessing.

I am adding the link so that anyone out there who is interested in supporting this cause or getting involved can do so. There is still so much to be done.

Here is to love, health and happiness!

www.komen-atlanta.org .


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