
Tuesday, April 20, 2004

What do you do with it?
It may be more then one bad day, it may be more then one bad situation. So, what do you do with it? Are you making lemonade, are you seeing silver linings? Or, are you a pressure cooker, or a heated tea pot? Are you kindly and firmly taking care of yourself, or experiencing fight or flight?

There is always someone that you know who can be worked on or worn down. There is always someone who takes care of others rather then themselves. There is the door mat, the wall flower, and we each know one.

Now consider the person in your life who is firm in their standings on issues without being in your face. They say no when they need to, but yes when you need them to. They present their point without a fight, a struggle or a throw down. You may have hurt them and they can tell you that without cutting you down. They are calm and even kind in the face of conflict. They go about life and business with no hang ups and little conflict. They are often peace makers in a board room. They are cool when it counts and they always give you a window to jump out of.

When I think of true leaders and emerging leaders, these are the things that I think of. The people who do not confuse their emotions with professional issues. The people who can compromise and do not get their way by being eggshell droppers or pouting brats. They adjust well to changes in plans and can be honest without tearing you down.

When I find myself fouling up, I do not start beating myself up, I just starting asking myself, what do I do with it?


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